Welcome to Little Hazel Pasta House

Welcome to our little Hazel Pasta House, where Italian culinary tradition meets contemporary taste. Our goal is to offer our customers an authentic dining experience, which will make you feel as if you are sitting at the table in an Italian countryside trattoria.

black street light near brown concrete building during daytime
black street light near brown concrete building during daytime
First of all

Our Menu

From classic pasta dishes to innovative recipes, our menu offers a wide selection of Italian flavors. Don't miss our italian coffee.

Not to mention

Experience the Authentic Italian Taste

Our pasta is cooked al dente and our authentic Italian recipes are made from scratch with fresh ingredients. Come and taste the real Italy in every bite.

filled white teacup
filled white teacup
And let's not forget

Little Hazel's Espresso

We proudly serve the original Italian brand espresso, made by our expert baristas. Experience the true Italian coffee culture in our cozy atmosphere.

About Us

Little Hazel Pasta House was founded with the mission to bring the authentic Italian taste to our customers. We source the best ingredients and follow traditional cooking methods to provide an unforgettable culinary experience.

Taste Italy in every bite

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